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How to store wooden tableware correctly

To maintain the quality of wooden tableware and extend its service life, the correct storage method is essential.

First, wooden tableware should be placed in a dry and ventilated environment. Humid conditions will cause the wood to absorb water and swell, which is prone to mold or deformation. Therefore, it is recommended to place wooden tableware in a well-ventilated place, away from water sources and humid environments, to ensure that the wood remains dry.

Second, avoid direct exposure to sunlight. Long-term exposure to sunlight will cause the wood to discolor and crack, affecting the appearance and quality of the tableware. Therefore, wooden tableware should be avoided from being exposed to direct sunlight, and should be placed in a shaded place or protected with a shade cloth.

In addition, when storing wooden tableware, be careful to avoid friction and collision. Do not stack wooden tableware together to avoid scratches or deformation. It is recommended to use a special tableware storage box or partition to separate wooden tableware to avoid mutual friction and collision, and keep the surface smooth and intact.

Regularly turning wooden tableware is also the key to maintaining its quality. Long-term static storage may cause wood deformation or damage, so it is recommended to turn the wooden tableware regularly to make it evenly stressed and extend its service life.

In addition, when storing wooden tableware, you can use edible grade wood oil or edible grade vegetable oil for maintenance. Regular application of oil can maintain the gloss and water resistance of wood and extend its service life. Before applying oil, make sure that the wooden tableware is completely dry to prevent the oil from being diluted by water. After applying oil, wipe the wooden tableware with a clean soft cloth to evenly distribute and absorb the oil into the wood.

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