
Disposable Plastic Serving Spatula Wholesale

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Disposable Plastic Serving Spatula

Disposable Plastic Serving Spatula

Code Description Material Weight(g) Length(mm)
SPA Serving Spatula PS 35.8 270
The black beveled edges and the narrow blade slides under delicate food easily, yet strong enough to lift and serve heavier foods. They have an easy-grip handle and are designed to easily and neatly serve a wide variety of party fare. They're made of sturdy, extra-thick plastic and are hand-washable so they can be used again and again.
Changya New Material Technology Co., Ltd.


  • GSV 2023 NB
  • WCA NB 2021
  • WCA Certificate NV2021
  • ISO14000 NB 2020
  • ISO 22000 EN NB


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