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What are the advantages and characteristics of biodegradability of PLA straws

The biodegradability of PLA straws is one of its significant advantages in the field of environmental protection. It has many unique characteristics. From a professional perspective, these characteristics involve molecular structure, degradation mechanism, environmental adaptability and other aspects.
The molecular structure of PLA straws provides favorable conditions for its biodegradability. PLA is a polymer formed by the polymerization of lactic acid molecules, a naturally occurring organic acid. This organic structure allows PLA to serve as a food source for microorganisms, allowing it to degrade in specific environments. The rational design of the molecular structure not only gives PLA straws good processability, but also provides a basis for their degradation by microorganisms in the natural environment.
The degradation process of PLA straws is a biological reaction process, mainly completed through the action of microorganisms. Under certain environmental conditions, such as in a composting facility, microorganisms break down the molecular chains of PLA straws, reducing them to water and carbon dioxide, forming harmless substances. This mode of degradation is in sharp contrast to the decomposition process of traditional plastic straws, which often take hundreds of years to decompose, while PLA straws can degrade more quickly under the right conditions.
The degradation process of PLA straws also has a positive impact on the environment. During the process of microbial decomposition of PLA, the carbon dioxide released is absorbed by plants during their growth, thus forming a relatively closed carbon cycle. This recycling mechanism helps reduce the overall carbon footprint of PLA straws, contrasting with the climate change issues caused by the use of petroleum-based plastics.
The biodegradability of PLA straws is also affected by environmental conditions. Under the conditions of appropriate temperature, humidity and the presence of microorganisms, PLA straws can degrade more effectively. This environmental adaptability makes PLA straws have certain biodegradation potential in different ecosystems.
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