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The difference between PLA Cutlery and traditional plastic cutlery in materials

PLA Cutlery (polylactic acid tableware) has significant material differences from traditional plastic tableware, mainly reflected in the source of raw materials, production process, degradability and environmental protection.

First of all, the raw material of PLA Cutlery, polylactic acid (Polylactic Acid), is a bio-based material that can be produced from natural resources such as plant starch. It has good renewable nature and environmental protection, and has a small impact on the environment. Traditional plastic tableware is usually made of petroleum-based polymers, such as polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP), etc., which requires a large amount of petroleum resources and chemical additives, causing a large negative impact on the environment.

Secondly, the production process of PLA Cutlery is more environmentally friendly, does not produce harmful substances, complies with environmental standards, and helps reduce environmental pollution and resource consumption. In contrast, the production process of traditional plastic tableware requires a large amount of petroleum resources and chemical additives, which produces a large amount of organic compounds and toxic gases, causing harm to the environment and human health.

In addition, PLA Cutlery, as a degradable material, can be degraded by microorganisms into harmless substances under appropriate environmental conditions. It will not cause pollution to soil and water sources, helping to reduce the harm of plastic waste to the environment. Traditional plastic tableware usually takes tens or even hundreds of years to degrade naturally, causing long-term pollution and impact on the environment.

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