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What should be considered in the design of printed deli cups

In the food packaging industry, printed deli cups are an important form of packaging and are widely used in takeout, fast food and frozen food. Designing a high-quality printed cooked food cup not only needs to meet the basic requirements of functionality and safety, but also must take into account aesthetics and market competitiveness to meet the growing needs of consumers.

Design principles
In the design process of printed deli cups, designers need to follow a series of basic design principles to ensure the practicality and market adaptability of the product.
Functionality: The design of the cooked food cup must be able to effectively hold a variety of foods and prevent leakage and deformation. Designers should carefully consider the capacity, shape and closure of the cup to ensure that it can maintain the integrity and freshness of the food during transportation and storage.
Safety: The safety of food packaging is of paramount importance. Designers need to ensure that the materials used meet the relevant food safety standards and avoid using materials that may release harmful substances. In addition, the design of the cup should avoid sharp edges to prevent consumers from being injured during use and ensure a safe experience for users.
Sustainability: With the increase in environmental awareness, designers should actively consider using recyclable or biodegradable materials to reduce the impact on the environment. This not only reflects the social responsibility of the company, but also helps to enhance the brand image and meet the market's growing demand for sustainable products.

Structural design
The structural design of the printed deli cup is a key link to ensure its functionality and safety. Designers need to pay attention to several important aspects in this process.
Cup shape: The shape of the deli cup should be reasonably designed according to the type of food it contains. For hot soup or liquid food, the cup body should be designed to be deep and stable to prevent tipping, while for solid food, it can be designed to be shallower for easy access.
Cup mouth design: The design of the cup mouth directly affects the convenience of use. The wide mouth design makes it easier for diners to directly take or use tableware, while the narrow mouth design is more suitable for hot drinks, which can better maintain heat and enhance the drinking experience.
Lid design: The lid plays a vital role in the overall design of the deli cup. The lid must be sealed during design to prevent leakage during transportation. At the same time, the lid should be easy to open to enhance the user experience.
Stackability: In order to optimize storage space, the design of the deli cup should consider stackability. Designers can use reasonable cup shape and size to enable multiple cups to be stacked tightly, thereby facilitating transportation and storage and reducing logistics costs.

Material selection
The choice of materials directly affects the performance and appearance of printed deli cups. Designers should consider the following aspects when selecting materials.
Temperature resistance: Different types of food have different storage requirements at different temperatures, and designers need to choose materials suitable for high and low temperature environments. For example, polypropylene (PP) is suitable for hot food, while polystyrene (PS) is more suitable for cold food packaging needs.
Transparency and gloss: The transparency and gloss of the material will significantly affect consumers' visual experience of food. Highly transparent materials can better display the color of food, thereby enhancing consumers' desire to buy.
Printing adaptability: The selected material should have good printing adaptability and be able to support a variety of printing technologies, such as screen printing and offset printing, to ensure the clarity and durability of the pattern and enhance the market competitiveness of the product.

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